Venera Smart Contract

The Venera smart contract is a decentralized platform designed for trading music in the form of NFT. It is developed to facilitate the sale of NFTs compliant with ERC721 and ERC1155.


The Venera smart contract consists of several key components:

  1. VeneraSale: A contract enabling the sale of NFT, including methods for initiating sales, setting prices, and validating trade conditions.

  2. VeneraAuction: A contract for conducting NFT auctions. It implements methods for initiating auctions, placing bids, and finalizing auctions.

  3. Venera: Unifies the functionalities of VeneraSale and VeneraAuction, providing management capabilities for both sales and auctions of NFT.

Purpose and Usage

The Venera smart contract is designed for:

  • NFT Sales: Facilitates the sale of digital artifacts in NFT format, both at fixed prices and through auctions.

  • NFT Auctions: Provides mechanisms for participating in auctions to purchase NFT.

  • Security and Transparency: All transactions are conducted in a secure and transparent blockchain environment.

The Venera smart contract prioritizes security and flexibility, empowering users to trade music in NFT format within a reliable decentralized ecosystem.

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